Paper Submission

Templates: The publication is handled by springer, so the springer template is used. Please directly refer to the following link (always up to date version) for word/latex templates:

Paper types: Since Springer template is used, the page limit is different to the main conference: For full paper, the number of pages is limited between 12-15. For short paper, the number of pages is limited between 6-8.

Submission system:

Review: Reviewing will be single-blind. In submitting a paper the authors acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted elsewhere during the DLPR2020 review period. Authors of the accepted papers do not have to pay any registration fee for this workshop, only required registering to the main conference of ICPR2020.

Camera-ready Guideline:
Information and tasks for authors:

  • We need all source files (LaTeX files with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps files, or Word or rtf files) and the final pdfs of all of the papers. For papers prepared using LaTeX, authors should supply the underlying bib file for the references. Springer typesetters will use this to create the bbl file. Please note that we cannot include hyperlinks in references.
  • A mixture of LaTeX and Word files is fine. Please do not send any older versions of papers. There should be one set of source files and one pdf file per paper. Springer type-setters require the author-created pdfs in order to check the proper representation of symbols, figures, etc.
  • When submitting their paper, the authors should allot a corresponding author, who must be available to carry out a proof check of the paper. He or she is given a 72-hour time-slot to do so. The corresponding author should be clearly marked as such in the header of the paper. He or she is also the one who signs the copyright form on behalf of all of the authors. Please note that the corresponding author cannot be changed once the paper and the copyright form have been sent to Springer.
  • We encourage the inclusion of all of the authors’ email addresses and ORCIDs in the header, but at the very least, the email address of the corresponding author should be present.
  • The corresponding author should compile, sign and send the Consent to Publish form [ICPR2020W-Contract_Book_Contributor_Consent_to_Publish_LNCS_SIP.pdf] together with the paper. We do not accept digital signatures on the copyright right forms at present. If you have any queries regarding copyright, please contact Springer well in advance of publication. Each form should be saved in the individual folder containing all of the files pertaining to a particular paper.
Please submit the camera-ready and consent to publish form before November 15th, 2020 (11:59PM Pacific Time)  via easychair system or directly send the files to and All files should be zipped into a single zip/rar package when uploading to the system.

For registration, please refer to the registration page ( and you are suggested to contact for any question about registration (as is indeed written in the registration page). The deadline for registration is November 15th, 2020 (11:59PM CET).

Consent to Publish: [PDF]